Celeriac….isn’t that a disease of some sort??

Ok so it’s not a disease haha!  It just sounds like celiac, which makes me think of it.  Celeriac, also known as celery root, came in my CSA box today and I was eager to try something new with it.  I have already tried mashed celeriac and celeriac fries…it was time to try something different.  Enter this recipe for Celery Root and Leek soup I found online.  I’ve had two leeks in my fridge for probably two weeks now and was beginning to think I would end up throwing them out but then I found this recipe!  I love when I can make use of everything that comes in my CSA box!  I also like that the recipe only makes 2-4 servings, so I won’t have to eat soup for the next week.


The recipe was quick and easy(although apparently it required close supervision from my dog, who lay just outside the kitchen watching my every move!).  For anyone that has never had celeriac, it’s texture is kind of like potato, but it has a subtle celery-like flavour.  If you didn’t know any better, you’d probably assume it was potato leek soup I had made.  Celeriac is also one of the ugliest vegetables I have ever seen!  It’s not something you’d spot in the grocery store and think ooooh….what deliciousness could I make with that!?  Still, if you’re looking for something with a little more flavour than potatoes, I suggest you try it some time.


In the end, I would call this recipe a success, definitely worth making again.  It required minimal prep work and minimal attention once the leeks were cooked and the remaining ingredients were added and left to boil on the stove, all while I enjoyed a lovely phone call with my folks.  Another night of fine dining for one!